Happy December 1st everyone. I am hapy to say my dad should be coming home this weekend. He has one more round of meds to take and he should be done. He is doing very well. We will have to make some adjustments in what he can and cannot eat. It will be trial and error until we know what will work. Thank you for all the prayers.
Now for my biggest wish, it was very hard for me when my son left for college he is 4 hours away, as a mom you have to let them make their choices,and this was very hard for me to let him go. Well he has decided to move back home and go to school close to home. He has changed his major from Graphic Design to Nursing and may minor in reglious edcuation. He has always been very involved with our church and would like to continue to help with the youth. So I am thrilled to say he will be home for my big B-day. (50 yikes).
I am working on my Christmas Cards and hope to have them posted soon.I am a little behind, I have been going to the hospital everyday, and by the time I get home I am ready to relax and go to bed.
I am also making some notebooks for a fund raiser at work, we have two assoicates in need for this Holiday season, One girl is making candy to sell and I have donated some items from my craft show that I was not able to do since my dad was in the hospital. Everyone liked the note books and I have a few more people that would like them.
Remember to count your blessing and be thankful for what you have.