Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day

Hello Everyon
I hope everyone is having a good Memorial day. I had to work today, no fun for me.
I did have fun on Friday I made some good buys. I have been wanting the Cinch, I finally order this. I then purchased a cartridge at a craft store. With this purchase I had enough free points to get a free cart at I then went shopping on Saturday and purchased another cartridge. Oh boy and I was not done yet. On Sunday I was looking at the Your Storey / well the price was a bargan I could not pass up. So now I get to wait for all these items to come in.
I am looking forward to coming up with projects to share.


  1. Congratulations!! You are the big Cricut Expression winner over on!

  2. Congratulations, Jan!! That's awesome. You have some really cute cards.

  3. Congratulations on winning the Cricut Expression. I know you must be very excited!!!

  4. wow girl congrats.. im happy you one!
